Asset Management
Anvil provides comprehensive asset management services for institutional investors. We are relentlessly focused on value creation during the time between acquisition and exit. Our approach is unique in the Nordic region, where asset management is an evolving industry and generally under-appreciated. We believe value is created by using analysis, technology and effort to actively source and manage tenants, focus on costs/capital investments and provide detailed, insightful reporting that allows investors to make informed strategic decisions.
Anvil invests in all major property types and is particularly attracted to large or complex transactions that require creative solutions. We invest across the capital spectrum (equity and debt, public and private, performing and non-performing) and are capable of efficiently providing capital and expertise to design and deliver investments that meet sellers’ specific requirements.
Mezzanine Finance
Anvil provides capital to property owners, investors and developers seeking to obtain additional financing beyond traditional senior bank loans. Our principals have a 20-year track record of sourcing and structuring mezzanine property investments in Europe and the U.S. We endeavor to be flexible in terms of structure, security and repayment terms.
Corporate Advisory
Anvil selectively provides corporate advice to: (i) real estate investors seeking to gain access to the Nordic real estate markets and (ii) local owner/operators seeking international capital partners. Anvil is uniquely positioned to connect international capital with local expertise, and more importantly, to manage cultural challenges and ensure alignment that allows long-term partnerships to succeed.